Ein Bild

About art.

Defining art is difficult, many artists and art scientists do not see a definition of “art” as meaningful.
Everyone forms their own opinion and uses words in their own meaning. Here one should not exaggerate subjectivistically. We are social beings, designed for exchange and understanding with other people. It is very clear to me that every definition is subjective.
What is “good” and what is “not so good” art? Many art viewers mostly claim that they just see it and "have a feeling". Although here again you have to say that there is a lot of practice and experience behind it.
Today, art is very individualistic and thus eludes fixed rules and definitions. We often cannot precisely describe our personal definition of beauty and quality in art. Intuitively, we always have a feeling whether we like something. Sometimes we need more time.
Dealing with today's art is not easy, but it is always very popular. We will continue to enjoy the art.
Art is the spiritual elevation.

As an artist, I deal with many topics, mainly with people. I see the body as a whole as a vessel. The individual organs and the smallest structural unit of living beings, the cell, are also vessels.
The analogy between a human body and a vessel can be found in ancient times. Our soul is a vessel, a jug that holds its contents. The contents are the most valuable thing we have and what we are.

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Ludwig Caly